Hello everyone and I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe, and sane, in these strange times.
Basil and I have been enjoying the lock down working in the studio (me) and going for walks (Basil). What a strange time it has been, I’ve really missed meeting up with people both socially and through teaching so I thought it was about time I touched base with everyone and tell you what I’ve been up to.
I was very fortunate at the start of lock down to receive a grant from Severn Arts to complete a project over May. My Project “The Sketchbook Project” contained work from both myself and others who put their sketchbooks forward. Principally I concentrated on things that were unique to lockdown; Basil, zoom dance classes and an unexpected bunch of flowers. You can read more about the project in an earlier news item. I was also fortunate enough to receive a commission for the lovely Bertie, the dachshund.

Whilst the impossibility of running face to face classes has been frustrating I have dipped my toe into the world of zoom and virtual learning (something I never thought I would do) and the two classes I now run have proved to be great fun and as one student pointed out participants get direct tuition in a greater quantity than in a normal class. Fortnightly is a general drawing and painting class Projects.
Every Wednesday evening is a portraits class.

As normal classes will almost certainly not resume in the near future please get in touch if you feel you would like to try a virtual class. That said I am hoping to organise some outdoor sketching and painting, with social distancing, so again get in touch if you are interested . Here is a picture from a session last year.

I have been busy working on my own work with new works in watercolour including some experimental ‘playing’ based on the works of Turner.

I have now linked my Etsy shop to my Instagram, there is not much on there at the moment but I will be adding more things covering a range of subjects and prices and following my Instagram page is the best way of keeping in touch with what I am working on so please feel free to follow me.
Finally, as a bit of a detour to my usual free flowing paintwork I have been working on some marketing material for some beautiful new homes in the Cotswolds. As you can see – not finished yet!

Keep safe everyone and keep in touch!
Karen x