Welcome everybody and a very Happy New Year to all!
So much has happened since Karen Stone Art evolved and I would like to thank everyone who has supported us whether by attending workshops or courses, visiting at open studios or simply enjoying a passion for art together.
Here are a few memories that that made me either smile, laugh, cry and above all feel enormously privileged to have creativity in my life.
Unframed exhibition Chapel Galley Bromyard.
I was delighted to have my very large drawing of a fictitious seaside harbour (1.5M x 2.5M) selected for this show but had to smile when, on the opening night, I saw it had been hung upside down. In fairness to the curators it did work well upside down. A lesson in making sure you mark the orientation of your work clearly! The drawing was completed at a workshop on experimental drawing that I was lucky enough to attend at the Royal Academy.
The Outdoor Summer Sketching Course was altered from previous years in that this summer we moved away from our usual venue to visit a number of different gardens. Some open to the public via English Heritage or Open Gardens, and some private gardens of friends whose hospitality I was graced with. On one particular visit to a beautiful garden near Bromyard refreshments included fizz and strawberries – let it not be said that Karen Stone Art lacks class! The photograph above shows us all hard at work!

Worcestershire Open Studios arrived far too quickly and I was very excited to have the image of my screen print Still Life with Orange on show at the walkway, behind Waitrose in Malvern. This is an old print from my university days but I still love it.
Max and I had the studio open at York Place. Here he is with his easel and paints.
Sadly, and amidst many tears, I lost my faithful studio assistant later in the year. I know he will be missed by many and I shall miss him always.
Karen Stone Art is fortunate to know so many extremely talented students whose work I regularly post on the face book page. Below is an image from a Christmas card I received. The artist is Tess Jay and she came to a her first lino printing workshop this autumn where she got to grips with the technique, bought the optional kit and went home to design and make these lovely cards.
Finally, I am delighted to introduce my new studio assistant, Basil. He found me after a period of roaming the streets and is a little bit of an escape artist rather than a visual one at present. He is not quite ready to be introduced to all the roles that Max filled so competently but his training is going very well and early indications show that he is certain to pass his probationary period. Here he is helping with sea paintings in Pembrokeshire.
All good wishes for 2020