Video Demonstration Robin in Watercolour
Demonstration Birds
Capturing Movement
This 13 minute video accompanies the Friday Morning Zoom project Capturing Movement: Dancers. For more information on the fortnightly projects see workshops.
A Rose in Acrylics Tutorial
Making A Simple Sketchbook
Making your own sketchbook is very satisfying and these simple concertina books are perfect for making long continuous drawings. These instructions are for a book that measures about 12cm x 10 cm when folded and finished and uses an A3 piece of paper. It is a perfect size to pop in your pocket.
Tip: Try the folding and cutting stages out using a test piece of paper before using better quality.
These are the things you will need an A3 sheet of good quality cartridge or watercolour paper. (I used a 420 mm x 297mm (A3) 140lb/300gsm watercolour paper)
- Craft Knife or scissors
- Bone folder or plastic ruler for creasing
- 2 x thick card 120mm x 100mm for cover (I used the back of an old sketch pad)
- 2 x paper for covering 170mm x150mm
- Glue
- Pencil
- Steel rule to cut against if you have one.
- Ribbon 60cm
Remember the secret to successful bookmaking is accurate folding, keeping edges straight, and good creases.
Stage One:
Fold the paper in half lengthways and then fold each end to the middle. Firm the creases.
Stage Two:
Open out and fold in half width ways and then each half again to the middle. Firm the creases.
Stage Three:
Unfold the paper out.
Stages 1 to 3
Stage 4:
Here you have to cut along the folds. I cut along the length of mine as I wanted landscape format. If you want portrait cut across the width.
First cut from the right side stopping at the first left fold of the first row. Then cut from the left along the centre fold, stopping at the last fold from the end. Finally cut from the right side to the first fold on the last row.
The diagram below from Deborah Walker’s article in April’s The Artist shows this much better than my photographs.
Fold the pages into a concertina taking care where the paper changes direction.
Stage 5:
Take your card for the back cover. Cover one side with glue and place in the centre of your chosen cover paper. Press down firmly. Trim across the four corners of your cover paper at about 45 deg. Take care to not cut too close to the corner of the card. A space of cover paper of 2mm (as shown by the pencil) is about right.
Fold the cover paper over and glue. Repeat for the other cover.
Stage 6:
Take your ribbon and glue it across the centre of the back cover. You need to have enough to go over the front cover and tie on the side.
Stage 7:
Glue the outside page of one side of your concertina. This is to stick to the back cover so make sure that it opens correctly. Apply the glued concertina to the back cover keeping edges even and square. Open the concertina and press it firmly from the inside.
Now glue the top outside edge of your concertina and place the front cover on top. Again open the concertina out and press the page to the cover firmly.
Finally tie the ribbon!
Gift Vouchers
Gift vouchers are available to purchase for amounts £5, £20, £50 and £100 or any combination. They can be used against any of our workshops or courses or against the purchase of greetings cards or art works.
Each gift voucher comes with a hand stencilled card for your personal message.
For more details or to purchase a voucher contact the office.
Projects At Home
Projects at Home is a new way to keep in touch and do some artwork over this period of isolation. The projects span a fortnight culminating in a virtual meeting where students share there work and ideas with Karen. Likewise, Karen shares her work and offers an open critique. At the start of the two week period a project is emailed to participating students.
Fee per project £20
Project 1: Sketching Basil
Japanese Brush Painting (postponed)
Update March 2020: Course postponed due to COVID-19 Social distancing recommendations.
Stable Studio, Bevere Gallery, Worcester WR3 7RQ
Price £85 (includes lunch and refreshments. Kit for further study available to purchase.
Beginners Portraiture Workshop (postponed)
Update March 2020: Workshop postponed due to COVID-19 social distancing recommendations.
Stable Studio, Bevere Gallery, Worcester WR3 &RQ
Price £85 (includes lunch and refreshments plus materials)
This workshop offers the study of the basics of portraiture looking at the the features and proportions of the human face and how to begin looking. It is aimed at those who have always wanted to draw and paint people but don’t know where to start. Simply the basics.
Palette Knife Acrylics Workshops (postponed)
Update March 2020: Workshop postponed due to COVID-19 social distancing recommendations.
Stable Studio, Bevere Gallery, Worcester WR3 7RQ
Price £85 (includes lunch and refreshments plus materials for the day. Materials available to purchase to continue your practice).
This workshop centres around the use of acrylic paint applied with a palette knife. General instructions for the use of acrylics are given and the workshop focuses on how to active results using a palette knife. A truly enjoyable experience with the freedom to move paint around and absorb yourself in creativity. The workshop begins with some simple exercises and progresses through to the creation of your own masterpiece. No previous drawing or painting experience necessary.